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Managing Work Relationships

The way people interact with each other in the workplace is important as good work relationships promote a positive work culture. Maintaining workplace relationships is where effective management is tested as individuals need to feel respected but also remain strictly professional to avoid potential conflict. This qualification cultivates core relationship skills including trust, respect, openness and effective communication to develop your own levels of communication to become more aware when interacting with others.

Course Content

  • Outline the benefits of effective team working
  • Describe how to give feedback constructively
  • Explain conflict management techniques that may be used to resolve team conflicts
  • Explain the importance of giving team members the opportunity to discuss work progress and any issues arising
  • Provide clear, specific and evidence-based feedback sensitively
  • Explain the importance of warning colleagues of problems and changes that may affect them
  • Recognise the contribution of colleagues to the achievement of team objectives
  • Treat colleagues with respect, fairness and courtesy
  • Fulfil agreements made with colleagues
  • Provide support and constructive feedback to colleagues
  • Take others’ viewpoints into account when making decisions
  • Take ownership of problems within own level of authority
  • Take action to minimise disruption to business activities within their own level of authority
  • Resolve problems within their own level of authority and agreed contribution

Employees Benefits

  • Take action to minimise disruption to business activities within their own level of authority
  • Take ownership of problems within their own level of authority
  • Fulfil agreements made with colleagues
  • Take others’ viewpoints into account when making decisions

Employers Benefits

  • Recognise the contribution of colleagues to the achievement of team objectives
  • Provide clear, specific and evidence-based feedback sensitively
  • Treat colleagues with respect, fairness and courtesy
  • Provide support and constructive feedback to colleagues


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